A couple of months ago I was diagnosed with a large tumour on my left ovary and another in my uterus, at which point, as you can imagine, I was plunged into a whole new world of worry, hospitals, doctors and "what ifs". Scary stuff! My family and closest friends immediately gathered around me (both figuratively and literally) to offer support and help wherever they could. They dropped everything and made themselves available to me, some travelled miles to come and see me and they phoned and sent daily uplifting and funny messages and wrapped me up in a big cocoon of love, care and positivity.
Last week I had surgery and afterwards decided I was now ready to start sharing this part of my story with my wider circle of friends - partly because a week in hospital gave me tons of fabulous writing material! I'm in a bit of a dark place at the moment as I'm in pain, stuck indoors and playing the waiting game for test results on the numerous bits of me that my incredible surgeons removed. Since word has gotten around I have been blown away by the unbelievable kindness and love that has come my way.
I've had deliveries of flowers daily, I've received cards containing messages that have bolstered me through the day and people are sending me little voice notes saying "hi" and telling me what they're up. I listen to those voice notes repeatedly, especially throughout the night when I can't sleep and my positive-ometer (a new Gillism sneaking in there!) is at it's lowest.
My big brother, David, taught me that I should pay kindness forwards whenever possible and I have always tried to do that. I feel as though it's now coming back to me in absolute bucketfuls.
What I've learned from all the kindness showering down on me is this: you should never underestimate the power of being kind to someone. Kindness really is a Super Power that we all have the ability to tap into and it can make a massive difference in someone's life - just when they need it the most.

All of your visits, flowers, cards, messages and phone calls are making a shitty situation much more bearable so a huge "THANK YOU" to you all, from my heart to yours.
Gilly x