Like many people I've spent way too much of my life worrying about what other people think of me and trying to "fit in". Now, I'm taking back my power and I'm showing up as my bright, shiny, colourful self!
This poem is dedicated to my fellow unicorns out there who support each other, lift each other up and mix their own damn colours!
I’m Mixing My Own Colours
Some people say that I look strange
But that just makes me smile
For I’m painting an original
And that can take a while
I’m made of many layers
Some are pastel, some are bold
But one thing you can be sure of
I don’t fit in any mould
I’m mixing my own colours
You may not like their hue
But I’m mixing my own colours
They’re for me – they’re not for you
I’ve been told that I’m too bright
My paint should be subdued
So I tried to smudge my edges
And I changed my attitude
But my colours would not lighten
They glittered in the dark
Then shimmered and grew brighter
And they made the world less stark
I’m mixing my own colours
You may not like their hue
But I’m mixing my own colours
They’re for me – they’re not for you
My colour is unique to me
But I don’t walk alone
Many have walked along this path
And it’s them who set the tone
Those who pushed the barriers
The one’s who changed their colour
They’re my tribe of unicorns
The people who I honour
Because I’m mixing my own colours
You may not like their hue
But I’m mixing my own colours
They’re mixed for me – not mixed for you!
Gilly 2010