Welcome to The Purple Notebook
I have exciting news!! My debut book "Mixing My Own Colours - An Anthology of Poems" is now available to buy.
I've put together a collection of my most popular poems and they encompass topics such as embracing who you really are, bucking the trend, feeling grief, the hilarities of getting older and - of course - llamas and how they saved Christmas. These are contemporary poems that will make you cry (Sunrise at Loch Morlich), make you laugh (Down and Dirty in Blackpool) and stop and make you think (I'm An Asshole).
I've always been a storyteller and when my daughters were growing up, I loved making up stories and silly songs for them. I remember one summer they persuaded me to go horse trekking in Scotland where I quickly discovered that I'm not a horse lover! In order to keep myself calm I made up a song about a 3 legged horse and, over the years, it morphed into several versions, including a Christmas Carol of some 13 verses and a Meatloaf tribute song!!
My family and friends have encouraged me every step along the way and, when my imposter syndrome shows up, there's always one of them willing to listen to me list the reasons why I can't possibly write a book and then kick me up the ass and get me going again. This is for all of them.
To those who stood beside me
And never wavered along the way
To those who knew me briefly
And the ones who chose to stay
To those that I call family
And those who are my friend
To those who are my soul mate
And who's love will never end
To those that I have loved and lost
And will never see again
To those who tried to stifle me
And those who fuelled my pen
To those who are my children
Whether born to me, or not
To those who didn't like me
And those who I've forgot
My heartfelt thanks to all of you
Who affected my life in some way
You've all contributed to make me
The poet I am today
Love Gilly B x